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I believe that people forget that condoms shield you from more than just pregnancy.

I believe that people forget that condoms shield you from more than just pregnancy.

And there’s no morning after pill for HIV.


Ita€™s called blog post coverage prophylaxis.

In the event that youa€™ve have non-safe sex and are generally scared of possibly staying at possibility for HIV, be sure to go to the emergency room and get about BLOG POST PUBLICITY PROPHYLAXIS.

Works for around 48 – 72 hours after contact with HIV.

I wouldna€™t need this but this is actually really cool and Ia€™d desire promote they just in case any person may require they.

If you notice this on your own rush REBLOG REBLOG REBLOG. You could potentially rescue a life

Therea€™s a Food And Drug Administration authorized daily drugs also known as Truvada, or the PrEP procedures, that’s 92-99per cent good at steering clear of the contraction of HIV.

Personal insurance and Medicaid manage they. You could have it free-of-charge in many high-risk towns and cities like Atlanta, NY, and San Fransisco.

Ita€™s the same cocktail they offer to doctors who’ve had corrupted needle sticks/blood splashes sugar daddy cash app scam from potentially infected bloodstream. Helpful.

Be sure to increase. You may realise youra€™ll never need it, however can’t say for sure just what might happen in everything

05.11.2017 – One Significantly Less Statement

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Gender Workera€™s self-help guide to protecting your personality

Recently, a fellow sugar child called myself for assist because among their SDa€™s ended up being an envious stalker; getting each one of the woman personal info as blackmail. This sparked us to write out this condensed help guide to avoid problems like this any or close types from occurring once more.

1) use a phony identity, the one thata€™s maybe not like the genuine term.

2) DONa€™T hold any forms of IDa€™s/cards/anything with your title upon it if you see litigant, actually ever. Get a fake permit ID with another term to continue to have an ID to display when you get carded to drink whenever youa€™re with a sugar daddy. It really is unlawful to transport some shows phony IDa€™s, so be cautious which you get and dona€™t carry it for an escorting client.

3) DON’T park your vehicle in which they can find it or even in a location in which you want her remote or key the means to access create the storage.

4) usage UNIQUE PHOTOS than the ones you use on your personal social networking. It can take one search on Google reverse graphics lookup to strike start your entire side.

5) has an artificial birthday celebration to suit your SW persona please remember the sign of the zodiac referring with.

6) turn fully off Everyone location solutions and applications, 15 minutes prior to appointment. Ia€™ve come checking out some babes have already been outted because specific social media programs now sharing a€?whoa€™s around youa€? services.

7) Dona€™t give out exactly what class or organization your work for. Always lay, and tweak they. The overriding point is to throw-off their unique fragrance so they posses a bunch of small lies they cana€™t piece together.

8) if at all possible, use a nickname or an ambiguous label on your own private social media.

9) YOU SHOULD NEVER SEND/SELL ANY IMAGES OR CLIPS WITH YOUR FACE INVOLVED. The sole face your they should be capable access are the ones online to quickly claim comprise stolen.

10) usage A WORK QUANTITY. Your personal numbers try attached to so many and something activities.

11) Cash can be your companion.

Directory of details about yourself to fib: Birthdate School team your benefit Hometown education you’ve got attended in earlier times term Year of graduation Any suggestions pertaining family unit members

CRUCIAL: Stalkers need an affinity for recalling just what seems like unimportant (but essential) info to piece together their personality later.

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